15 Wonderful Wooden Garden Fountains That Will Amaze You


Besides all the other features that one garden should consist, you should definitely not forget to add some water feature. Water features can create a soothing and relaxed atmosphere and this is all due to the sound of water that creates a real harmony. So, how about you add a fountain in your garden if you still don’t have one? And not any type, but a wooden one, because wooden garden fountains can also look like great work of art.

This type of fountains can definitely fit into different garden designs, because the natural look of the wood fits perfectly with the landscape. They can be found in so many different designs and besides buying some, you can also try to build one out of some wood logs or tree stumps. Here are several such wonderful wooden garden fountains that you may love to have in your garden too. Enjoy!

15 Wonderful Wooden Garden Fountains

Photo via: idejuparkas.blogspot.com
Photo via: drinkingfountains.blogspot.com
Photo via: wearefound.com
Photo via: hayneedle.com
Photo via: ukwaterfeatures.com
Photo via: jardimdecorado.com
Photo via: decorunits.com
Photo via: primrose-garten.de

Wooden fountains can be made of different types of wood, including stumps, driftwood, logs or even out of some wooden barrels. The beautiful texture of the wood, makes these fountains look like a masterpiece and they can become an instant focal point of your garden. Besides some plain design, you can even choose between some cascade fountains, featuring up to 3 levels. Or some fountains can also feature pebble and stone decorations, since they look great in combo with wood.

Photo via: sears.com
Photo via: mygardendecoration.com
Photo via: giardinoprimrose.it

SEE ALSO: Impressive Bamboo Fence Panels That Will Turn Your Yard Into A Peaceful Retreat 

Photo via: tmvfloresepaisagismo.blogspot.com
Photo via: brunnen-outlet.de
Photo via: hayneedle.com
wooden garden fountains
Photo via: blog.gardenloversclub.com

So, which one from the above wooden garden fountains did you like the best? Tell us in the comments and make sure to enhance your garden with one such amazing fountain. And of course, stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other great decor ideas for your garden.