The Smartest Home DIY Ideas That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier


Don’t you just hate those small every day struggles in your home? Everyone will agree that messy stuff can be so frustrating. But don’t worry here, I’ve got you covered. Today I have some brilliant home DIY ideas for your every day activities that will be so helpful.

DIY hanging baskets

We all have tons of stuff in bathrooms around. Shampoos, girls stuff, or even toys. If you hate the mess in the bathroom as much as I do , then this will help you. Connect three metal fruit platters with chain and hang them on the shower curtain. Such a clever DIY that will save some space for you.


Paper towel holder

If you use a lot of  paper towel and need to make the process easier, then this type of holder will be a good idea. It will be a nice decoration for your kitchen also!


Place for hiding keys

This is the most clever idea ever. Crucial for that moments when you have to leave the house and leave the keys somewhere for the ones that will come. Just stick a rock onto a plastic container’s lid. Close the key inside and put this with the rest of the rocks. No one will notice.


Multi level stand

Keep all of your toiletries tidy with a simple multi level stand. Brilliant!


Mark keys

If you have lots of keys and have trouble about which one is which, then try this. Mark them with different colors of nail polish.



Kids portable bed

You don’t need to buy additional beds. Just sew together a few pillow cases. Put some big and soft pillows. And there you have it!


Rack glass holder

Great idea for your home bar! It will hold the wine glasses in place, while looking so fancy.



Magnet glasses

Stick some magnets on plastic glasses.  These will be good for when you are in a hurry !


Eat me first basket

Great idea to make everyone use the products that will expire soon. This one is a money saver!


Hanging jars

To save some precious space, hang your ingredient jars in your kitchen!


Basket towel holder

This DIY will help you keep your towels in one place. It looks so stylish too!
