Home Free – 5 Tips to Getting the Most Out of Your New Home


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If you’ve recently purchased a new home, congratulations! If you’re looking for one, best of luck! A new house is an exciting and potentially stressful experience for you and your family. There are so many things that need to be done to ensure that your move is smooth and you set yourself up for many years of problem-free living. Here are a few ideas of things that you can do to make your life easier now and once you’re enjoying your new home.

Play It Safe

The last thing that you want is for your home to be broken into, burgled or vandalised. Taking the right precautions will help you avoid the trauma, financial and psychological impact of crimes in your home. Firstly, make sure that you have great insurance so that you’re covered in the worst case. You can keep your premiums, as well as your risk down by ensuring that you have locks installed on every external door and window. Lock technology has come a long way, and a good locksmith in Melbourne, LA, London or wherever you are will help you find the best option to keep your home safe.

Positive Energy

With energy prices continuing to climb, making your house energy efficient is great for you and great for the environment. While some measures will require an initial outlay, they may save you a great deal of money in the long run. Installing solar panels, for example, can cut your electricity bills drastically, or eliminate them altogether. In some locations, you can connect your solar panels to the main electricity supply and the power companies will actually pay you for the power that you are contributing to the grid. Many country, state and local governments offer subsidies for solar panel installation, which can defray the cost considerably. Energy efficient appliances, heating and cooling can also go a long way to keeping your bills manageable.

Maintaining Equilibrium

As a homeowner, there is no landlord or agent to call if something goes wrong. Ensuring that everything is working correctly will be a big responsibility and one that should not be taken lightly. When moving into your new home, it is worth going over everything with a fine-toothed comb to identify any potential future issues. Neglecting things that are not in perfect shape can cost you big time when problems occur, so fixing problems before they occur is a wise financial decision. If you’re not confident in assessing your home yourself, consider hiring a professional home inspector. It will be well worth the fee.

Scope Out the ‘Hood

Many people are barely aware of the neighbourhoods around them and the people that live there. Being actively engaged with the environment around you can be a great source of information and helpful resources. Get to know your local parks, emergency services, libraries, recreational facilities and other amenities will contribute to your lifestyle and is a great way to meet people. Befriending your neighbours can also be a great source of local information, friendship and assistance if you ever need it.

Get Organised

A new home is a complicated prospect, and you will be swamped with information, meetings with tradespeople, bills and a To-Do list that will likely be as long as your arm. One of the best favours you can do for yourself is to get organised. Consider making a homeowners journal or file in which you carefully organise all the paperwork and information that you need for easy access.

These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your new home. However, I hope that you will find them useful and put you on track getting the most of your life’s largest and most important investment.