Storing Your Furniture Long Term: 5 Things You Should Consider


There are any number of reasons you might need to store furniture over a long period of time. Maybe you are making a temporary move, and plan to return to your home city when the job you are doing is complete. Maybe you are building a new home, and living in an apartment or smaller space while it is being built.

No matter what the reason, there are several things to consider before putting all of that furniture in storage. Here are five questions to ask yourself.

Is it worth the space?

Typically, the cost of storage varies by your location but also by the amount of square footage of storage that you need. You can stack items and carefully arrange them to get the most out of your storage space, but large or delicate items are the toughest to store. Sometimes you can’t stack things on them, or have to take special precautions.

At this point you have to ask yourself if the item is worth storing. It is worth the amount of space it will take up? If that one item, or several of them, will increase the space you need for storage dramatically, it can double your monthly cost. Make a careful evaluation of what you are storing and make sure it is both necessary and worthwhile.

Could I buy it again later?

This is often a question you can ask about appliances and other items that tend to become outdated. If your appliances are fairly new and modern, replacing them may be cost prohibitive and storing them may be the best option.

However, if they are older and might need replacing soon anyway, selling them and planning to buy new ones later may be a better option, as the cost of storing them may outweigh the benefit of replacing them later.

You can ask the same question of furniture and art as well, but original art and furniture with sentimental value may not be replaceable. Other items may be difficult to replace, and storing them makes sense.

If it is something you can replace later without significant cost, you may want to consider not storing it and saving yourself the space.

Will it become obsolete?

This is a question you can ask not only about appliances, but about electronic items as well. Depending on the length of time you will be storing something, the newer more up to date models may be available by the time you are ready to use it again.

As new models come out, old electronics go down in value as well, so hanging on to them may mean they are worth less by the time you are ready to sell them and purchase new ones, not to mention the money you spent on storing them in the meantime.

If an item will become obsolete, you may want to consider not storing it.

Will it be damaged by storage?

From electronics to original art, some items can be damaged simply by the long-term storage process. Changes in temperature and humidity, even if they are enclosed and stored well, can damage canvas art, electronics, and even some more modern appliances.

As an option if you must store these sensitive items, consider climate controlled storage. It can cost a little more, but to protect your belongings it is well worth the cost.  If you have questions about what items may be affected by these temperature changes, be sure to ask the manufacturer or storage professionals.

Also, consider how you will store items. Plastic covers, dehumidifiers, and more options can make storage of these items safer and will prevent unnecessary damage.

Will I really use it again?

The final question to ask yourself is if you will use items again. If you are building a new home or redecorating, the look you are going for may be changing as well, and items that worked well in your old home may not work as well in your new space.

Look at color schemes, decorating spaces, kitchen ideas, and other factors to determine if you will truly use items again. If you will, store them. If not, consider getting rid of them to cut down the amount of storage you need.

Nothing is more discouraging than storing an item in long term storage only to sell or get rid of it later, or find that it has been damaged or made obsolete by the time it has spent in storage. Evaluate your items carefully, store them properly, and save yourself time, effort, and money in the long run.

Your new space and the furniture you keep will thank you for it.