Defeat Dementia: 5 Surprising Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease


Sadly, one American will develop Alzheimer’s disease every 68 seconds, and the condition can steal both a person’s memory and personality. Thankfully, there are ways you can reduce the likelihood that you will develop Alzheimer’s disease. Read the five surprising ways to prevent the fatal brain disease.

  • Smoke Marijuana

Marijuana can positively impact your health in multiple ways. In addition to slowing down the rate of cancer and treating various ailments, studies have found that marijuana could be an effective way to deter the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Marijuana contains THC, which is an active ingredient that can slow the progression of the condition. THC effectively decelerates the formation of amyloid plaques, as it blocks the enzyme that produces them inside the brain. It is these harmful plaques that ultimately kill a person’s brain cells, which can result in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about the best dispensaries near me.

  • Vitamin D

Much research has discovered there is a connection between Alzheimer’s disease and low blood levels of vitamin D. The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease reviewed ten studies to explore the connection and found low vitamin D levels resulted in a 40% increased risk for the form of dementia. UCLA researchers believed vitamin D protects a person’s brain as it reduces inflammation and amyloid-beta. Visit a doctor for a test to identify if you have a vitamin D deficiency.

  • Avoid Tap Water

According to the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, inorganic copper, which is commonly found in tap water, could play a considerable role in the modern Alzheimer’s epidemic. Amyloid-beta plaques reportedly contain high levels of copper, and it is believed the amalgamation of copper and a high-diet could spark amyloid-beta plaques, which can injure a person’s brain cells. It might, therefore, be beneficial to infest in a water filter to reduce copper in your drinking water.

  • Fall-Proof Your Home

A 2012 study published in Neurology reported that NFL players are approximately four times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s in comparison to the general population, as they often experience brain injuries when playing football. Researchers believe people can double their chances of experiencing the condition if they experience a serious concussion. While it can be difficult to avoid a concussion, you must take measures to protect your environment. For example, you can fall-proof your home by securing rugs, eliminating clutter, and installing adequate lighting, which can prevent injuries and falls.

  • Have a Purpose in Life

According to one seven-year study from the Archives of General Psychiatry, people who have a purpose in life are 2.4 times less likely to experience Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment. Prevent the risk of developing dementia by writing a list of activities that could help you to live a more meaningful life, and then write another list of realistic goals to achieve them, so you can perform the tasks with ease and prevent the development of Alzheimer’s.