How to Best Protect Electronic Equipment from the Elements


Those who have experience in building different types of electronics for a variety of applications know exactly how tricky this endeavour can be. After all, while it’s one thing to build and make sure that everything is working exactly the way it should, it’s another thing entirely to keep it safe from the elements. This goes double for equipment that you intend to use in operating other types of machinery, which means it will likely be vulnerable and exposed. Whether it’s intended for indoor or outdoor use, it comes with its own sets of challenges.

Aside from having to worry about electricity levels, whether everything is grounded properly or that it maintains power operating temperatures, there’s also the challenge of keeping your equipment safe. While this generally isn’t a problem if you purchase the electrical equipment as a whole and finished piece, it can be very challenging for individuals who are working on building the electronic equipment from the ground up. For these situations, Gewiss enclosures are normally all that’s needed because of the material used, but it’s better to go into detail as to why.

Considering your options

When it comes down to protection from the elements, many decide to opt for a steel enclosure. This is basically one of the more durable types of protection for electronic equipment, and it has a lining to protect the equipment from malfunctioning (because steel is a conductor). However, as time goes by the material tends to degrade, especially if it’s exposed to the elements. This means that eventually, a steel type enclosure might not be the best kind of protection for your equipment.

Going for a different material

The reason why it was mentioned that Gewiss enclosures are all that’s needed is because of the material – plastic. One reason why people tend to go for steel enclosures is because of the preconceived notion that steel is a better material than plastic. However, when it comes to protection from outside elements, plastic fares much better overall. It’s often created in a special process that makes it hardy and durable, and because it’s made of plastic, it isn’t as susceptible to degrading over time. However, the results also depend on how you use the plastic enclosure. For example, for smaller pieces of electrical equipment, plastic fares much better than steel. The rule of thumb is that the larger the electronics, the better steel tends to be.

To conclude, both steel and plastic enclosures have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. When it comes to general use however, the plastic enclosure edges out the competition by a sizeable margin. When it comes to keeping your electrical equipment safe from the outside elements, always consider a plastic enclosure first before any other kind of material.