The best gift a father can give to his daughter


Most of you would firstly think about material gifts such as cars, trips, jewellery or houses which, of course, is a brilliant idea. However, there are a los of gifts a father can give to his daughter which are more of spiriual importance and do not come packed with a red ribbon at the top.

The connection between the father and his daughter is bond and different than the one the same child has with his female parent. It is powerful, unbreakable and incomparable to any other. There are at least two things you, fathers, can do for your daughtes and be happy for the rest of your life for the favour you are doing them. It is a gift that will change their life for the better as it is crucial for their behaviour for a lifetime.

You can help your daughter see her qualities that has nothing to do with her physical appearance

Your obligation is to teach her and let her know that the physical appearance is neither crucial nor most important thing she needs in her life in order to be successful. Of course, her empathy and the way her eyes blink and shine while she smiles are  unforgettable but, however your obligation is to let her know that in each situation she has to do what’s good for her and what would make her feel safe and protected even when the choice is difficult. It is your job to make her keep her sense of humor as well as the inner force that will help her deal with the challenges and the difficulties along her life. You have to make her believe in herself no matter what and that everything is achievable if she is determined. It is of crucial importance to her to feel your support and know that you always have her back no matter what situations she would have to face. You have to let her know that we are all imperfect and that’s fine because all she has to do is be herself instead of seeking perfection. Youu have to encourage her to try new things, to take risks and to be brave always. And, of course, with her own intelligence she is compatible for whatever she dreams about and that all this has nothing to do with her physical appearance.

You must teach your daughter how to recognize the the right man for herself, to put her standards high and accept nothing less than that

Your job as a father is to teach her self-respect and make her feel enough. You should let her know what she’s worth it and how to recognize it in a potential partner. You have to teach her how to gain the respect from the people around her and to make her leave the table when the respect is no longer served. The moment the partner disrespects her she has to leave instead of get satisfied with crumbs in order to save the relationship. She should, under no condition, accept such behaviour because she is worth more than just an ordinary man.

What are you going to get back from this lessons as a father? Something more than just a strong person, a real queen, pride and unconditional love from the little creature you yourself made with lots of love!