How to Get Rid of Adult Acne and Long-Term Care


Acne is one of the biggest issues people face with their skin, but it doesn’t just affect teenagers. In fact, between 45-55% of adults experience acne at some point in their life. It’s a problem that can result in low confidence and cause long-term scarring If it isn’t treated, but it can be avoided with the right help. To save you stress, time, and money, here are some handy tips for clear, glowing skin.

Healthy diet, healthy skin

It’s not just about what you put on your skin that helps with acne, but what you put into your body. If you have a diet rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and healthy fats, you can expect your skin to be soft, supple, and hydrated- and not just for a few days.

The best part is that your body will also reap the benefits from this lifestyle change. Not only will you see clearer skin, but increased energy levels and possibly weight loss. If you’re struggling with which foods contain which nutrients, here’s a helpful breakdown:

  •       Healthy fats: salmon, avocado, olive oil
  •       Antioxidants: raspberries, spinach, dark chocolate
  •       Vitamin C: broccoli, strawberries, oranges
  •       Vitamin D: eggs, tuna, cheese
  •       Vitamin E: butternut squash, sunflower seeds, peanuts

Experts also suggest drinking at least 2 litres of water a day to prevent blemishes from breaking out.

With that in mind, there are some foods which have been linked to causing acne, like processed foods, alcohol, and foods that are high in salt. Avoid these as much as possible for glowing skin.

Spend time outdoors

Though you can increase the amount of Vitamin D you have in the foods you eat, you can also get it from spending time outside. When combined with exercise, you can increase the positive effects every time you step out the front door.

This is because the more you exercise, the more oxygenated blood gets carried to your skin, which results in a youthful glow. The great outdoors has also been linked to keeping stress levels low, which is another key cause of adult acne. Ideally, you should aim to do your exercise in a natural green setting, away from the polluted air of a city. This will also prevent the free radicals found in pollution from aggravating your acne.

The only issue here is that spending too much time in the sun can cause sun damage. This is especially true if you are taking acne medication that increases your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. Stay out of the sun in the middle of the day, and always wear a non-comedogenic sunscreen for when you do go outside to see the most benefits.

Be gentle with your skin

Most people don’t treat their skin with enough care, using skin treatments filled with harmful chemicals and pore-blocking ingredients that can, in fact, make acne much worse. Some of the most common mistakes include using a facial scrub too often, not using the right products for your skin type, and assuming expensive brands are always the best.

Instead, re-think your skincare approach to one that won’t cause long-term harm. Many people are finding that switching to natural products helps them to add a helpful dose of anti-oxidants and hydration to their skin.

It’s easy to be sceptical of natural solutions, but their health benefits are undeniable. With no harsh chemicals, using ingredients like shea butter and oats on your skin are a sure-fire way to nourish and protect it- without breaking the bank.

Watch your stress levels

While teenage acne is usually caused by hormonal imbalances and puberty, adult acne has long been linked to high levels of stress. This generally means the more stressed you are, the more acne you’re likely to see.

The awful truth is that acne then results in more stress and anxiety, kicking off a nasty circle that is hard to break out of. The good news is that if your acne is caused by stress, you can kill two birds with one stone by managing your stress levels.

One of the most popular stress-busters is meditation, which has been linked to lowering blood pressure and keeping anxiety at bay. Another is making sure you have time in your schedule to do things you love. Whether this is relaxing with your favorite book every night, or spending time with friends, you’ll feel your stress and your acne melting away.

Visit a dermatologist

Though these tips are famed for their long-term benefits, there isn’t a one size fits all approach when it comes to adult acne. If you find that your acne still flares up without warning, it could be worth pencilling in an appointment with a dermatologist.

These skincare experts will be able to help you get to the bottom of why your acne is persisting. They may also have some useful treatments to try out, which you may not have access to in your usual skincare routine. If they feel as though issues like the menopause, pregnancy, or thyroid problems are at the root of your acne, they may refer you to your local doctor for other treatments.

In order to make sure any treatments are effective, dermatologists recommend making sure you are eating a balanced diet filled with water and healthy fats, and that you try to keep your hands away from your face as much as possible.