How to Control your Home Temperature with Radiator Valves


Older homes often use different ways to heat the house. One of the more common options for heating the home is through the assistance of radiators. Radiators allow for the flow of hot water to provide heat to the metal gratings in the different rooms. The water is boiled in the boiler and water heater, then pushed through the house. For people who live in a home that uses a radiator, they might wonder how to alter and control the temperature while inside of the house. This is possible, but it does require the assistance of radiator valves. These valves are positioned on the side of radiators, often one on each one in each individual room. This way, a home owner is able to change the temperature inside of the room, based on the individual needs.

Radiator Valves

A radiator valve is a rather straight forward item that is placed on the side of the radiator. The valve connects to the radiator and uses a plug, that is generally constructed out of a wax, which expands or shrinks based on the temperature around the ax. The plug is connected to to a pin that is on the connecting pipe running into the radiator. The majority of radiators have this controlling pin, but it might not come with the radiator valve. The valve is rather inexpensive and can be placed and installed onto the pin easily.

What the Radiator Valve Does

Once the radiator valve is in place, it is possible for the valve to be turned and altered. Once the valve is turned, it essentially pushes or pulls the wax around it that is in connection with the pin. By doing this, it can change the amount of water that is running through the fitting and into the radiator. By cutting off the amount of hot water running through the valve, it is going to reduce the temperature of the radiator itself, which in turn drops the temperature inside of the room. Of course, when the radiator vale is all the way open, more hot water is able to pass through the radiator, which increases the temperature inside of the room. Without the valve, the temperature is generally going to stay the same.

Every radiator is going to have the individual pin. Due to this, it is possible to place a radiator valve on each pin in order to control and alter the temperature of the room. Of course, some of the valves are automatic, so it can detect the temperature in the room and the surrounding air.

What to Avoid

A radiator valve is rather simple and straight forward. However, it is very important to avoid a few issues. The major issue is to prevent items from boxing the valve in or covering it. The most common problem in relation to this is curtains covering the valve. This can prevent the valve from detecting the proper temperature, which in turn can lead to larger problems. As long as this is avoided, the valve should prove extremely helpful.

Money Savings

As it is now possible to cut down the temperature in some rooms with the radiator valve, less energy is used to heat the house, which helps a home owner save money. In fact, it is estimated that most people who take advantage of radiator valves can save on their heating bill by almost 20 percent each and every year. This is well worth the price of the radiator valves, which are inexpensive and can be easily purchased from a company such as Buy A Battery or other selling outlets.