Dazzling DIY Bird Feeders That You Are Going To Love


If you take care of your yard, and you want to decorate it in the best possible way, I bet that these ideas will be of your interest. There is not a single person who doesn’t love birds because they make everything seem at peace, and create a relaxing and comforting ambiance. If you want birds to come in your yard, scroll down and see the Dazzling DIY Bird Feeders That You Are Going To Love. In this way they will get the habit to come to your yard often, and you will be able to watch them up close. It’s great that you don’t have to go to the store and buy bird feeders, since we have collected for you the best ideas that can be done in no time and with little money. If you are up for a DIY project, check out the designs, make your pick and get down to work. As spring is quickly approaching, you should be very efficient, and despite making one for yourselves, make another one as a gift for other wildlife lovers!

The designs will add up to the look of your yard, and make it look even more beautiful and polished. You can even go green and recycle some already used projects. One such idea is the plastic bottle bird feeder. You just have cut it and paint it in any color you want and you will get your wonderful bird feeder in just a few seconds.

Image via cutediyprojects.com

If you have kids, they would probably want to lend you a hand into designing a bird feeder, so why don’t you use Lego? It’s a pretty unique idea, and it’s definitely going to turn heads!

Image via feederwatch.org

If you have a red telephone box that you are using as a decorative item, here we are going to inspire you to repurpose it as a bird feeder. It’s a stylish idea that will make many jaws drop!

Image via personalisedgiftideas.co.uk
Image via tonyastaab.com
Image via lindaberner.com
Image via vpravda.ru
Image via earlylearning.momtrusted.com
Image via fredywood.blogspot.mk

The mason jars can be put to a good use in the yard too. Just hang it on any tree with a colorful fabric, fill it with food and watch the birds coming to your place.

Image via diy-enthusiasts.com
Image via googglet.com
Image via countryliving.com

You can watch the birds eat all day long out of this lovely repurposed coffee cup. How do you like the idea?

Image via practicallyfunctional.com
Image via creativehomeexpressions.blogspot.mk
Image via welke.nl

These ideas are not only great for the spring and summer, but they are an amazing way to help out our feathered friends when their food sources are scarce in winter time. How do you like the designs that you saw here? Have you already picked a favorite? Which design caught your eye the most? Let me know in the comments below! Now, get down to work and enjoy the comforting company of the lovely birds every day!