How to Find the Right Humidity Level in Your Home


Have you ever thought that after spending a lot of time cooling or heating yourself indoors, why can’t you achieve the utmost comfort level? You must overlook it to check the indoor humidity level. Isn’t it?

Like you, most people are not even bothered about the indoor moisture level, whereas it has a huge impact on our comfort, health, and hygiene. We should put this matter before all, particularly if asthma and allergies are present there.

But do you know what the ideal moisture level for indoors is or how to achieve it? We’ve got the answers for you; we put them together below, including some tips on how you can achieve an appropriate humidity level for every season.

What is the Healthy and Comfortable Indoor Humidity Level?

Several studies have shown that the humidity reading between 40% and 60% is ideal for indoors, though it varies by season and drastic weather changes. In general, you could set it around 45% -55% or slightly lower during winter. 

During summer, having indoor humidity within 40% to 50% is comfortable enough, but the humidity reading on the Hygrometer should not cross 60% at any cost; otherwise, it will become unhealthy, moist, and muggy. 

The moisture level should be between 30% and 40% in the winter months. If it’s beginning to feel dry or muggy, set the right humidity level according to your comfort.

How to Measure the Humidity Level in Your Home?

I’ve already mentioned that we generally use the most accurate hygrometer, as a humidity monitor. You can call it an indoor thermometer. If you don’t have this device but are damn concerned about the indoor humidity level, there are some ways with which you can measure the present moisture level in your home. 

Let’s have a look –

1. Using the Ice Cube Method

  • First, take a glass of water, put two or three ice cubes in it and wait for a few minutes to see what will happen. Before all, ensure you haven’t placed it inside the kitchen or a much-occupied space. 
  • After four to five minutes, go back and check whether the glass has formed condensation on the outside or not? If it has formed a lot of vapor dots, then the humidity level is too high. If it doesn’t form a single dot of water vapor, the indoor humidity level is too low. 

2. Checking the Difference Between Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometer Temperatures

  • The temperature difference between wet and dry bulbs gives you a better measurement of indoor humidity level than the previous Ice cube method. 
  • First, take two regular glass thermometers.
  • Next, leave the first thermometer as it is. It will serve as the dry bulb. 
  • After that, wrap around the bottom of the second thermometer with a wet cotton ball; it will be considered the wet bulb. Make sure you use room-temperature water to moisten the cotton ball. 
  • Now, place both thermometers side by side. 
  • After six minutes, go back and check the temperature reading on both thermometers; record the reading, as well.
  • Next, try to figure out the depression value by subtracting the wet-bulb temperature from the dry-bulb temperature.
  • Finally, put all the results you have found in a humidity counter online forum, and compare the readings to find out the relative humidity chart. 

If you find it too high or too low, don’t delay to take the right step. You can either contact a professional Heating & Cooling service provider or try managing the humidity at home. 

How to Manage Indoor Humidity?

The humidity level dramatically changes during the winter and summer months, though you should monitor the indoor moist-level year-round. Keep the indoor humidity at a healthy and comfortable percent following these ways – 

Decrease the Indoor Humidity Level

  • Install ample exhaust fans and keep them turned on for hours to pull excess moisture out of the particular areas. 
  • If possible, purchase a dehumidifier.
  • If you have AC, keep the filters of the air conditioner clean.
  • Avoid using the dryer to dry our wet cloth inside a room. 
  • Avoid boiling water on the stove; it could increase the moisture level and make the humidity worse and tremendously uncomfortable.
  • Plants naturally absorb excess humidity; try adding houseplants to your decor. 

Increase Indoor Humidity Level

  • If you have a whole room humidifier, keep it turned on for a few hours to release extra moisture into the air.
  • Dry out your wet clothes indoors.
  • Place a water-filled container near the vents.
  • Boil water inside the house.
  • Spray water to increase the moisture level in the air. 


High levels of humidity lead to very moist air, which encourages the growth and spread of mold inside the home, triggers asthma and allergy, and makes us tremendously uncomfortable and much sweaty. 

On the other hand, a low humidity level leads us to dry skin, Eczema rashes, and irritated nasal passages, which increases the chance of getting affected by airborne viruses like the flu. The wooden furniture or floor could also be damaged due to low moisture levels. 

So, don’t overlook the humidity issue and delay fixing the problem. Try out all home remedies at first; if you face any difficulties with these, feel free to let us know in the comment section.