5 Amazingly Healthy Foods and Drinks for a Natural Detox


Those who have no time for healthy eating will
Sooner or later have to find time for illness.”

Edward Stanley, British Earl

Detoxing the body through the use of specific techniques has been a common practice for centuries. Traditional Chinese Medicine has always used acupuncture and acupressure to remove what they regard as disturbances in the body, namely toxins found particularly in the liver, our body’s detox organ.

However, for centuries, Native Americans have combined aromatic rituals with food and herb intake intended to cleanse the body, using what nature has provided for them. Although these detox practices do continue to this day, scientific study of the nutrition and detoxification benefits of certain foods and drinks has established a group of “superfoods” that significantly aid the natural detox process.

Learning about these superfoods, and nutrition in general, was once a large part of my life a few years ago. The setting was a classroom in an alcohol and drug rehabilitation center in Idaho, and the detox I had actually just undergone was miles away from the natural detox you’ll be taking soon.

However, the principle is exactly the same – to rid ourselves of dangerous toxins within us. The only difference being that I was heavily addicted to the ones inside me, which included alcohol and meth. In fact, cleansing your body from alcohol often requires a professional medical detox.

My name is Andy, I’m in my mid-thirties (and still slightly amazed every morning that I made it this far), and I have been clean and sober for over 9 years now. Many elements make up my recovery journey, but much of the way I live my life now was learnt in the classroom back in Idaho, and that includes eating and drinking the healthiest natural ingredients available.

In other words, I simply love my superfoods.

Here are your “5 Amazingly Healthy Foods and Drinks for a Natural Detox,” ones that will effectively and 100% naturally cleanse you from the toxins created by living as we do today, and making you brim with energy and positive thoughts.

Bitter Greens

I’m going to sound like your Mom now – “Eat up your greens!” Whatever memories of the family dining table you have, good or bad, chances are you never learned to truly appreciate greens such as kale, arugula, or mustard and dandelion greens. The may never have got near your dining table…

These bitter-tasting superfoods are exceptionally strong detoxification agents, and, as it is recommended that we opt for a balanced diet in terms of taste – sweet, salty, bitter and sour – this is a must-have addition to any healthy detox diet.

Squeezed Lemons

Moving from the bitter to the 100% refreshment in a glass, start your day with a few freshly-squeezed lemons, full of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and copper, and added to a pitcher of iced water. The lemon juice will stimulate your liver, and, because of its mild diuretic properties, will flush out those unwanted toxins.

Bone Broth Redux

Sadly, not one for the vegetarians and vegans out there. However, if you’re like me and believe we were given canine teeth for a reason, this is one of the most flavorsome superfoods you can find.

Yes, it may sound like it’s straight out of Grandma-ma’s recipe book, but these recipes have survived the test of time for a reason. High in amino acids, such as glycine, excellent for detoxing the liver, a bone broth redux is beneficial for both your immune system and your soul.

Water (Yes, Water…)

Hydration is essential for life. Just ask one of those dandelion greens how important water is to them. Ensuring you get enough of the stuff on a daily basis is vital for maintaining a healthy system. Many online calculators will tell you your recommended level of consumption.

Always remember, too, that if you exercise during the day, your daily water intake should be higher than with no exercise. Clearly, water needs a little livening up, so add great flavors like crushed mint, berries, jalapeno, melon, and cucumber.


Guaranteed to turn your fingertips purple, beetroot, however, is one phenomenal superfood, and a personal favorite of mine. Not only beetroots create nitric acid to increase your blood flow around the body, it is literally bursting at the skin with a rich source of vitamin E, phenolic acids, carotenes, and betalains, an antioxidant that helps the liver to repair and regenerate its cells. Use in a superfood salad or just juice it up.

Not the Ideal Restaurant Menu…

All of these “5 Amazingly Healthy Foods and Drinks for a Natural Detox” feature heavily in my normal diet. As a recovering addict, albeit 9 years down the road, my diet is essential for strong mental health as well as my physical well-being.

Bitter greens, squeezed lemons, bone broth, water, and beetroot may not sound like the ideal restaurant menu to many, but this superfood-enriched diet is constantly improving and repairing a liver that was once very close to collapse.

Which superfoods do you rely on as your way of naturally detoxing your body? What works best for you? Please let us know with a comment you can share below – thanks. Happy 100% natural detoxifying!