Improving the quality of life in later life


Statistics indicate that the UK has an aging population. In fact, it is estimated that by the year 2039 the overall UK population will have reached around 74 million. Whilst only 18% of the current population is aged over 65, estimates indicate that within the next 10 years, we can expect this figure to increase to include around a quarter of the population. This shift is occurring for two reasons. The first is that people are limiting the number of children they are having for financial reasons, and, more importantly, medical breakthroughs mean that people are living longer. 

This increase in healthcare comes at a price with more demands being made of the NHS and also on care services in general. It is therefore very important that individuals begin to make plans for their later years whilst they still have the capacity to do so. Nobody really wants to consider that there might be a time when they need help but there are steps that you can take to ensure that you are prepared for the future and that you still have a great quality of life in later years. 

Healthy diet

As we age nutritional needs change and when the right alterations to diet are not made a person can quickly become deficient in a range of minerals and vitamins that are essential to being healthy. It can be a good idea to talk to your GP or healthcare provider in order to ensure that you are making the appropriate adaptations to your diet to suit both your age and your activity levels to ensure that your body has everything that it needs in order to support you in later life. 


Many people think that as you get older you need to slow down and move less, but this is not true in a large number of cases. Staying active can help your mobility so it is important to keep doing it for as long as possible. This will help to build muscle and increase flexibility which will allow you to avoid damage to your muscles or bones. Strength and better balance also help you to avoid falls and of course exercise is good for your heart and ensures you avoid excess weight gain. 


As part of your considerations for later life you should also give some thought to what might happen if you were in a position where you needed a little help. Care homes are the more commonly thought of option, but many people do not want to leave the homes they are familiar with and that hold so many happy memories. In-home care offers a very real alternative allowing people to remain in their homes but with the help and services that they might need to do so. Domiciliary care services can assist with personal care, running errands, preparing food and simply companionship allowing the status quo to remain as normal as possible for as long as possible.