What to Know Before Scheduling Online Vet Appointments?


For those needing to get a vet consultation done online, the convenience and speed of this type of appointment scheduling is something that anyone would welcome.

While there are many reasons to use an online veterinary services office (including how easy and convenient they can be), you should know some things before scheduling appointments with an online vet to help.

Who Will Be Your Doctor?

While most online veterinary services offices provide much of the same benefits as traditional vet clinics (like consultations), you should know that not all online vets are licensed or trained professionals. 

For example, not all veterinarians have a certificate in the Veterinary Telemedicine program and, as such, may not be able to give you the same level of care as those who do. 

When looking for online vet help, be sure to ask about their qualifications and what services they are licensed to offer.

What is the Cost?

Like with traditional vet clinics, the cost of services at an online veterinary office can vary depending on what is needed.

Be sure to ask about the cost of services before scheduling an appointment, as this can help you prevent any surprises down the road.

How Will You Pay?

Another thing you’ll need to consider before scheduling an online vet appointment is how you will pay for services rendered.

In some cases, pet owners need to pay in full before receiving a consultation. In other cases, you may only be charged if the consultation results in a procedure being done. 

Either way is acceptable. A pet owner should know how it works before scheduling an online appointment.

Is the Doctor Certified to Recommend CBD?

For some pet owners, their pets’ health is advanced enough that they would like to try CBD for various reasons. However, it’s necessary to note that not all vets are certified or trained in recommending CBD.

Most online veterinary services don’t have any knowledge on this topic and will not help you. 

If you’re interested in trying CBD for your pet, be sure to find an online vet who is certified in this area before scheduling an appointment.

How Will the Appointment Be Conducted?

In many cases, online vet appointments are conducted over video chat. It means you’ll be able to see and speak to the veterinarian in real-time. 

However, some offices may require you to send in pictures or videos of your pet instead. Be sure to ask about this before scheduling an appointment, so there are no surprises later.

What Other Information Should You Know?

As with any appointment, some questions will be asked before scheduling. Be sure to ask about how records are kept, payment methods, and schedules, as these can help you avoid any surprises during the process.

Can They Recommend Holistic Health Plans for Your Pet?

A recent news article suggested that around 63 percent of vets are asked about CBD oil for pets at least once a month.

Many global pet owners are looking into holistic health plans for their furry friends. If you’re interested in this, be sure to ask the online vet if they are certified in this area.

If they are not, they will likely recommend a vet who is.

What is the Turnaround Time for Results?

Just like with traditional vet clinics, online vet services can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to get back to you with the results of your pet’s examination. 

Be sure to ask about this before scheduling an appointment so you know what to expect.

Can They Provide a Diagnosis?

In some cases, an online vet may be able to provide a diagnosis for your pet. However, they may need to send your pet off for further testing in other cases. 

Be sure to ask about this before scheduling an appointment, as it can affect the cost and turnaround time of the process.

One of the great things about online vet appointments is that you can communicate with the vet however you like. However, be sure to ask about this before scheduling an appointment.