Learn How Drawing Influences the Creativity of the Child


Art has been known to provide a host of benefits to children and adults alike. However, when it comes to children, studies have proven that it provides more benefits than meets the eye. Thanks to this it’s not uncommon to find art required in most school curriculums, a presence that in today`s area is a great feat of strength.. Among some of the benefits, art helps the young developing mind to expand. In addition to fueling their imaginations’, the skills used for art will help foster the necessary development needed for important life skills. If you’re interested in helping your child get the most out of art, use these tips to help, their imagination will forge extraordinary realms, extraordinary universes that can start from simple mundane seeds in our realm, things to draw can be found all around us, start with something simple and help the little one unravel its creativity from there.


The Impact of Art in Child Development

Before you can get started in molding your child into the next Picasso, you should check out some of the beneficial skills you’re helping to develop.

Lay the Foundation for Proper Motor Skills

Drawing is one of the many forms of expressing art. While it may seem redundant to allow your child to draw, you’re helping your child to develop useful skills. The ability to hold a paintbrush or pencil still- helps to develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.


Pave the Way for Language Skills

Even the act of talking about art will put your child onto the right path to learning essential things such as shapes, words, colors, and directions; all of which are important for success in life.  

Honing Decision Making Skills

While some may not understand how important art is, art is more than just drawing silly creatures. It helps your child become clear in making decisions. While it may seem trivial to you, determining the appropriate color to use, or which utensil is best for the project, will help your child to formulate better decisions. Needless to say that the ability to compare complete drawings of the little one can help them surface difference between them, difference that can help them realize what their actually aiming in the long drawing run.

These are just some of the many benefits for children who use art to express themselves.  

Now that you know some of the benefits of art for child development, check out these easy tips to get started:  

Stepping Off Onto the Right Foot

You don’t need to spend a fortune on art supplies, in fact, until you know that your child will absolutely love art- stick to bargain priced items.

Now that you have your supplies purchased and organized, it’s time to begin.

Most strategies of learning art begins by memorizing and copying basic shapes. Until your child has mastered how to draw the basic shapes like squares, circles, and triangles; you can slowly begin incorporating characteristics like whiskers for a cat, or a tail. The key is to start off slowly and don’t rush the process.

Once your child has learnt basic shapes, you can try having your child draw their favorite characters from books or movies.

Important: Since your child is starting to learn to draw, it’s important that you don’t set your expectations too high. The most important thing you can do now, is encourage your child and maybe even try your own hand at a project or two by their side, a powerful figure example can help.


The Basics: Learning Shapes

If you look beyond the characteristics that make a certain character unique (like in a book or movie), we quickly discover basic shapes. For instance, Winnie the Pooh is technically a succession of ovals with a couple of circles here and there.


It’s only when we start adding more than basic shapes that we truly recognize him as more than just a honey loving blob.

If you or your child have a difficult time seeing the basic shapes that make a character, try a few drawing tutorials.

Most if not all of these tutorials are great for step by step learning, but they will also help your child learn to spot shapes. After your child has determined the basic shapes of their favorite character, they can begin adding more distinguishable features.

These kinds of tutorials help make a seemingly overwhelming task easier because of the bite-sized directions. Here are some tutorials to get started:

Learn How to Draw a Butterfly

Learn How to Draw a Deer

Learn How to Draw a Sunflower  


Tips and Tricks

If you’re trying to help your child get the most from art, try keeping a few of the following points in mind:

  1. Avoid critiquing any of the child’s artwork. Not even a little bit. Parents and adults often underestimate how a critique can kill any desire for your child to want to continue with art.
  2. Be there to encourage them. Don’t forget to join in as well! Kids learn by example.
  3. Encourage your child or children to express themselves by providing multiple outlets for art.  Be sure to change projects up constantly- children have short attention spans and will get bored quickly.
  4. Should your child channel their creative juices somewhere other than paper, avoid scolding them. Instead, show them a more appropriate area to let their inner artist out, a wall in your home or the fence painted with chalkboard can be good mediums.


Drawing not only unlocks the creativity genius in your child; it can help form the basic life skills that will prove useful later in life. By providing creative mediums for your child to express themselves, you can be sure that you’re planting a very important seed for later in their lives.


Do you have a young artist at home? How he shown interest for art the first time? Share your story in the comment section below with us!