The Amazing DIY Plastic Bottle Air Conditioner That Went Viral


The warm and hot weather is ahead of us and you will for sure agree that you will need something to cool down. And that is one of the reasons why everyone is going crazy for this plastic bottle air conditioner. Yes, you read that right, you can actually make an air conditioner with the use of plastic bottles and you are about to find out how to it.

Here is how it will look like!

plastic bottle air conditioner

This DIY air conditioner is super easy to be done and the best thing of all is that it won’t really cost you much. So, what do you need more? You will have an air conditioner without breaking the bank and you will find a way to repurpose that empty plastic bottles you have been keeping for a while.

So, go ahead now and check out this video and try making this easy plastic bottle air conditioner at home. You will be surprised of the way it is made. Enjoy!

SEE ALSO: 10 Simple Things You Didn’t Know The Use For. #9 Will Surprise You For Sure

Tell us in the comments how did you like this video and also let us know if you have any other idea of how to make a budget friendly air cooler. And of course, stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other cool DIY projects that you can try at home.