How To Create A Flower Bed In Front Of Your House?


Planning to build a flower bed in front of your house? You can plant a big or small, raised or flat, curved or straight flower bed. Let’s take a look how to create a flower bed.

  • Select Flowers to be Planted

You must decide the plants that you want to use like annuals or perennials. Annuals can be planted every year, and perennials bloom for a shorter period.

  • Select a Place

Flowers need six hours of sunlight. Select the place that receives six hours of sunlight each day. Take into account for each plant that how much sun or shade is required for its growth and bloom. Select the place that is outside the back door or near the window. The place must be near the source of water so that you don’t have to drag the hose.

  • Clear the Ground

The first step towards clearing the ground is to remove the grass. You can do by either dig it out by four to five inches from a shovel, apply herbicide or smooth the surface with newspaper. Herbicides must be environment -friendly.

  • Improve the Quality of the Soil

Use the organic matter to make the soil fertile. You can add 2-3 inch layer of compost, dry grass, decayed leaves and old manure.

  • Dig or Don’t

Digging loosens the soil so that roots can penetrate the soil. Dig the soil when you can form a loose ball in your fist. Don’t dig if it is too wet or too dry. Mix the organic matter till 8-12 inches down the layer with the help of a spade.

  • Pick your Favorite Plants

Pick the plant according to sunlight, climate, and soil in your garden. Select the plants from annual, perennials or vegetables.

  • Put the Plants in the Ground

Plants can be put in the ground according to the weather conditions. Some plants like pansies can tolerate cold condition, so they are planted in autumn or late winter. Seeds of lettuce and sunflowers can be sown directly into the soil. Read carefully the instructions given on seed packet.

Buy containers or flats that are designed especially for seedlings. Keep the seeds moist. If you want to put a young plant in the soil, then dig a hole and put the plant in the soil. For more information and tips visit Homyden.

  • Water your Flower Bed

Put water daily in the seedlings or small plant. As the plant gets larger with time, the requirement of water will depend on the condition of the soil, climate, and rainfall. The best time to put the water is early morning.

  • Mulch

Cover the soil with mulch to keep the weeds away and allow the water to seep into the soil. Some example of mulch is pine needles to bark chips to cocoa hulls.

  • Maintain the Dignity

Take care to water the plants on a regular basis as and when required. Fertilize the soil and remove the weeds.

P.S: Do follow the steps carefully to create a beautiful flower bed.