5 Ways To Use Travel To Lift Your Spirits in Challenging Times


These days, we are living in dark times. Many of us would love nothing more to escape from the political climate and even just our own lives. One method that people of all ages use to get away from it all is travel. You can travel domestically or internationally. Either way, going on a trip can improve many things, even your health. This article will discuss some of the ways that you can lift up your spirits through domestic or international travel.


You Can Improve Your Health Through Travel

The website Bookmundi provides the first three reasons to travel in this day and age. The first reason involves getting an immunity boost during your travels. About 10 or 20 years ago, travel experts warned inexperienced travelers not to eat the street food cuisine of certain countries.

In this day and age, researchers have shown that when mice were given a different type of food, their immune system changed for the better. What this means for us humans is that when we eat the foods of other countries, our bodies produce antibodies that protect us from getting ill later on down the line. So don’t be afraid to get a little adventurous when trying out new foods.

You Can Improve Your Bone Health Through Travel

It’s not exactly travel in and of itself that creates great bone health. Instead, it’s the increased amount of Vitamin D that you get when you go to sunny locations like Caribbean islands or when you go on a cruise from Miami. But Vitamin D acts as one of the essential vitamins that most of us don’t get enough of in our daily lives.

You don’t have to lay on a Caribbean beach for days on end to get some much-needed Vitamin D. You can go hiking up the Pacific Coast trail or you can explore a national park with your family. As long as you’re spending time outdoors on a sunny day, you’re getting the Vitamin D that you need.

You Can Improve Your Heart Health Through Travel

Most people who travel on a regular basis will find that they’re extremely active during this time, even if that wasn’t their original intention. From lugging your heavy luggage everywhere to running through airports, your heart is getting quite the workout. One study that came from New York University researchers found that middle-aged men who took regular vacations reduced their risk of coronary heart disease. So don’t feel bad if you have to run for the airport shuttle. Your heart will thank you for it.

You Can Improve Your Brain Power Through Travel

Whether you plan on climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro or visiting Tianmen Square, you will definitely learn a lot of new things. According to the website Showbiz Cheatsheet, learning new things in your travels may make you happier. Since we all need a change in scenery from time to time, taking the time to go on a cruise from Miami can be just the thing to change your brain for the better.

Give Yourself Something to Do In Your Travel Destination

This last tip comes from Becca Warner from BYRSLF. In the article, Warner talks about how she gives herself one or two tasks to do when she arrives in a brand new city. The task can be as big or small as you want it to be. Once you’ve taken care of your jetlag, try to find a museum or restaurant to visit. If you don’t want to visit tourist destinations, dust off your people skills and ask a local for things to do.

By looking for novel experiences in the cities you visit, you’ll have great stories to tell your friends back home. This can help you connect with others. You might even inspire others to go on their own travel adventures.

We all need a change in scenery now and then. Why not make a huge scenery change by traveling to a new city? Not only will you indulge your sense of adventure. But you might also give yourself an ultimate spirit lift that can last for a long time.