4 Things to Do If You Have Bought a New House in Utah


Sometimes we fear change, unaware of what something new may bring into our lives. However, change should be welcomed because it is always when we embrace change that we see ourselves grow and flourish. One example of a change should be welcomed is moving into a new home. It’s hard to let go of a former home because of the memories you have collected there, but you should consider moving forward and open up to the opportunity of making new friends and neighbors in a new location. Let’s take a look at 4 things you should do if you bought a new home in Utah. 

  • Purchase or Renew Home Warranty

Home warranty is fundamental because it provides discounted repairs and replacements on a home’s major components like the electrical systems, plumbing, air conditioning and the like. Most of the times, the new homeowner will purchase the home warranty from the seller. Home warranty companies in Utah are something that every homeowner should own to ensure that every appliance is in working order. Moreover, the rate of homeownership in Utah is 69.6%, so thinking of getting a home warranty is a reasonable consideration. 

  • Secure Your Home

Keeping your family and yourself safe should be of utmost importance, no matter where you are in the world. After you have bought yourself a new home in Utah, or any other US state, you should make sure to change all the locks of the house. This is actually a step you should take before moving into your new home. The main reason behind doing this is because you wouldn’t like the previous homeowners to have entry into the home. Moreover, you never know who else has spare keys to the house. Therefore, maximize your security and get the locks and garage codes altered.

  • Check Smoke Detectors

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are essential for any home. Again, this is something that comes under safety like the point we mentioned above. You should make sure that both these detectors are functioning as they should. Moreover, make sure that you have smoke alarms installed in every room and level of the house; this also includes the basement. Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas, so you won’t really know the gas is there until it’s too late. Make sure that you have carbon monoxide detectors in every level of the home also; they should be placed 5 feet above ground level to perform best.

  • Liven It Up

After you have finally moved into your new home, it’s time to liven it up. The first measure you should take in doing this is repainting the walls. However, make sure you do this before you move in because this way you won’t need to move around heavy furniture or worry about spilling paint on them. After the walls are painted, you can start furnishing the home and decorating it as per your preference. If you wish to save up on decorating items, you can follow some amazingly cost-effective DIYs on YouTube that will guide you in creating unique home décor.