You either love it or you hate it. That’s what most of the gin lovers conclude about their favorite beverage. However, it is still one of the most popular, if not the most popular drink worldwide. It seems like the people love it in every combination possible. It is one of the main ingredients of every amazing cocktail. The majority of the consumers prefer it mixed either with tonic or lemon juice. Barely anyone consumes it like a pure alcohol without any other mixer.

Most of the gins contain about 41% of alcohol which is considered as a strong alcohol drink. That’s why they have invented an enormous different types of mixtures. On the other hand, it seems like the latest they have taken out turns into the best selling one. The gin lovers absolutely adore it, especially for the warm summer nights. It is very easy to prepare so there is no way for you to do it wrong.

Moreover you are very welcomed to come up with a brand new mixture and let the world hear about it. Meanwhile, try and enjoy the recipe:

In order to save its originality and popularity, the cocktail experts constantly invent new recipes. Of course they put an accent on the alcohol, however, it is the other ingredient, the mixture or the spice that makes the difference. The lately most popular gin combination is, believe it or not, with coffee.

All you need for this magnificent summer drink is a normal gin and tonic mixture, as well as a cup of ice coffee. You have to prepare the normal mixed drink, as strong as you wish. Put some cubes of ice in order to cool it while you prepare the coffee. After the alcohol mixture cools down, pour the coffee in it. Make sure the gin and tonic are already quite cold, so when you add the coffee you can see the division between the alcohol and the coffee before of the temperature.

The combination of alcohol, the bitterness of the tonic and the strong flavor of coffee without sugar is absolutely refreshing. It gives you additional energy and cools the warm summer days at the same time. The final color of the beverage should be dark brown, therefore it is called dirty gin.

If you want to become famous for some cocktail or drink mixture, just make a combination of something you have never heard before. You can just as well combine several of your favorite ingredients, even if they contrast each other. The world is open for new inventions, therefore you can experiment with whatever you may.

The summer is just around the corner. Make sure you add a lots of ice in your drink and you can easily call it a summer cocktail. The more you use your imagination, the more creative you are. Have you ever wondered how to become the most popular person in your group of friends? Make up a new recipe each day and call your girls for a sleepover. There is no way you will fail!