Flight Crates: How To Crate Train Your Pet


Do you wish to travel with your pet? Well, before you do, you should always ensure your dog is safe and comfortable during traveling. One way to safeguard your pet while traveling is by enclosing it in a flight crate. However, just like training your toddler, your dogs too will require some training to use the container. This will require more patience as well as persistence to have your dog get used to the crate.


Crate train your dog long before you plan for your trip to get it used to the carrier for a comfortable ride or flight. Here are some tips for crate training:

  • Buy the Right Flight Crate

Always take the right measurement of your pet before you buy its crate. The ideal flight crate should be big enough to fit your dog while its sited, lying down or standing. However, don’t go for an extra big size because other than being bulky, it will most likely cost you more as most airlines charge according to the total weight or volume.

The flight crate should be well venerated on all the four sides. If it’s made up from plastic material, make sure it’s firm and that it won’t deform while you insert pressure. For more guidance about the right flight, crate Click here.

  • Keep it Wide Open at the Centre of a Room

Buy the crate ahead of your journey to familiarize your pet with it. Keep it in the center of the room and don’t attach the crate’s front gate. Leave the crate open so that your dog could explore it as it enters and leaves as it pleases.

  • Sooth your Pet with Toys and Treats

If your pet is reluctant to enter into the flight crate, you can call it as you put its toys and other treats inside the crate. Try and attract your pet. However, don’t be too quick to enclose it there. Take some time and let your dog go in and out a couple of times without closing the cage’s door.

  • Feed your Pet in the Crate

Now that your dog can comfortably go in and out of the crate, shut the door while it’s inside the crate but don’t leave the room. You can then open the door after 10 minutes and let the dog out. Continue to increase its duration in the enclosed crate. Gradually and finally confine it and leave from its site. Try to feed your pet while it’s inside the crate and give your pet water inside as well.

  • Let it Sleep in the Crate

The next and final step is to let the dog sleep in the carrier. Keep the crate within your sight in case your pet cries at night. Nevertheless, learn when to ignore your pet as sometimes it may be screaming to seek your attention.

To make it easier to travel with your dog, put it in a car for a road trip after it has gotten used and comfortable in the crate. Ensure you take it only to places where it’ll have fun to avoid associating the crate with unpleasant occasions. If you succeed doing the above, then your dog can as well travel overseas with you as it won’t have any problem being in the flight crate for hours.