Good day to all the plant lovers out there! it is time to get creative and start a new DIY project that will find it’s place in your home. Have you thought about making a DIY terrarium? These are so popular due to their unique look. Making one is so easy. However, you need to know a few tricks that will help you. Read on and find out more how to do it the right way!
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Add something for drainage
The glass bowls look fantastic. On the other hand, these can be harmful for your plants. Why? Because they offer no drainage. And we know that plants do not like to be in too much humidity. This is the number one reason why plants in terrariums often have problems surviving. You need to make it possible for the excess water to drain. This can be easily done if you put pebbles on the bottom of the terrarium. Cover the bottom, and then layer the soil. The excess water will gather in this area, and the roots of the plant will not be too moist.
Bacteria-free environment
High humidity offers perfect conditions for bacteria. And bacteria can make your plants wither. If you want to avoid this, then use a layer of charcoal powder on the top of the pebbles that you will place. Charcoal is known for the anti-bacterial properties, and will kill all the microbes that want to harm your plants. Active charcoal is used as a medicine and is safe. You can find it at your local pharmacy, and it won’t cost too much.
Since you use your DIY terrarium for decorative purposes, the design is so important. And it is up to you to create the best one. If you want to go for the modern look, then you can always play with shapes and textures. Use gravel, rocks,sand and moss to create a variation in textures. Also, you should use different types of plants to achieve visual interest. A good example for that is a DIY terrarium with succulents and cacti. With having contrast in texture( smooth and rough), this way you can create visual interest.