The ever increasing use of iPads, Smart phones, portable video games and computers has directly contributed to the progressive hike in the number of people using corrective prescription glasses. This means that the eye glass club is no more exclusive to nerds and geeks but has gone from spectacle to spectacular with the inclusion of the fashion-conscious, the cool and the trendy. Men have especially gravitated towards this trend irrespective of age, profession, orientation and outlook and Designer Eyewear For Men is a thriving yet niche market. This, almost unanimous, demographic shift has radically altered how glasses are viewed and marketed globally. They have gone from a medically necessity to a personal statement that expresses an individual’s signature style.
Even those not using it for vision correction have started wearing as an accessory under the guise of reading glasses with non-corrective lenses. Pejoratively known as vanity frames, these glasses have come to play a role in redefining how one looks and those that wear them make a conscious effort to be noticed in them. In that sense they have become synonymous with trendy clothes, neckties, scarfs or a fashionable haircut that changes the way one looks or presents himself. One can safely say that the celebrity pop-culture has a lot to do with the direct the industry has taken.
Designer glasses for men are a constant attempt to balance practicality and style. It must not only fit comfortably but it must also be durable. The biggest problem with men’s eyewear in the past was that they were often large, heavy and made their presence felt. Today’s manufacturers of Wholesale Eyeglass Frames have made it a point to create sleek and light frames that are unobtrusive whilst retaining their durability. Titanium frames are a great example of the aerodynamic twist incorporated into the modern day glasses. Thin wire frames are utilised to make the appearance of glasses so subtle that both the wearer and the on-looker feel the glass is almost non-existent. One can almost sense a minimalist undertone.
There is yet another twist in recent men’s eyewear fashion. Men have begun to buy eyeglass frames that have a retro feel. It is a revival of the classic frames combined with modern day eyewear technology (non-corrosive metal, titanium alloy) and style. With a multitude of options to choose from it could be quite the challenge to pick the one that truly defines you. But on the flip side now men can be sure to find the eye glass they really connect with if they take their time. Every component of the glass highlights and accentuates an aspect of your identity, complementing you as is the job of an accessory. The colour, the shape, the design, the quality, everything comes together to produce the look that is uniquely yours almost like a piece of personal jewellery.
However, despite the slight euphoria you feel when checking yourself out in front of the mirror, you must remember that the eyewear defines your personality. Whatever your take on fashion, you have, consciously or unconsciously, advocated a trend that infuses important utility with a sense of personal style and skilfully applies Euclidean geometry to fashion.