Top Reasons Why Some Homeowners Don’t Do Their Own Carpet Cleaning


Carpets are an ordinary installation in many houses. They tend to be ignored until it comes to the point when something needs to be done with them because they are filthy or damaged. Nobody pays a lot of attention to carpets or tries to develop “skills” to maintain their carpets. The good news is that it’s easy to do a search for “carpet cleaners near me” and have some expert carpet cleaner deal with your dirty carpet.

Basically, there are only two compelling reasons why homeowners are unable to clean their carpets on their own: the lack of time and lack of proper equipment.

No Time for It

Not everybody has the time to do thorough carpet cleaning. Most can spare some time to do some vacuuming but dealing with dirty carpets after a party or carpets that have accumulated filth from pets is not something everyone can do. Homeowners who have their homes carpeted are likely those who are so busy with their professional life that they can’t allot enough time for carpet cleaning. After all, why would you need to do it yourself if you have the money and you can pay someone more proficient and well-equipped to do it for you? Likewise, not many have the time to learn how to properly clean their carpets. They could be doing more productive things like their careers or some business on the side.

Lack of Proper Equipment and Know-how

Another important reason why many don’t do their own carpet cleaning is that they don’t have the proper equipment to get the job done. There are many instances when simple vacuum cleaning is not enough. Not many homes invest in a reliable carpet cleaning machine. There are no readily available household appliances that can take the place of carpet cleaning equipment in effectively removing dirt, dust, debris, and odor that accumulate on carpets after a long time. Scrubbing the carpets using liquid cleaning agents without sucking out debris buried deep in the carpet fibers does not effectively clean the carpets. It’s necessary to use the right equipment and right cleaning methods.

On the other hand, many of those who buy their own carpet cleaning equipment may not be that knowledgeable and skilled in doing proper carpet cleaning. They may not be aware of the right cleaning solutions to use. They may not know that some carpets shrink when exposed to warm water or steam cleaning. They may not know how to properly operate their cleaning equipment. To avoid possible problems caused by this lack of know-how, it would be better to hire competent and experienced cleaning service providers.

There’s nothing wrong with trying to do carpet cleaning as a DIY task but there’s also nothing wrong in hiring pros to do it for those who can afford it. Even those who bought their own carpet cleaning machines may end up hiring carpet cleaners if they don’t have the time to do the cleaning.