When children are not around, it’s easy to sit and do nothing for a while. But your marriage can easily head south if you and your spouse don’t use that time with each other. You should balance your kids and married life with exciting things to strengthen your bond.
If you’re looking for inspiration, here are ten things to do more often.
Plan A Date Night
Most parents always welcome a spur-of-the-moment date night. So plan a night date together in between those unplanned breaks away from your routine. Your dates don’t have to break the bank. Just plan an affordable date that gets you out of the house without necessarily stretching your family budget.
Cook Together
You have probably heard the saying “couples that prepare meals together stay together.” Well, spice things up in the kitchen by breaking out the measuring cups and cookbook. Create time once or twice a month to cook and have dinner after the children go to bed. And if you want to get out of the house, consider taking cooking classes together to learn new cooking techniques and recipes.
Blog Together
Couples make a great team. Consider trying something new together like blogging. Brainstorm for topics and niches that you can enjoy co-blogging about. After finding your favorite niche, come up with a blog design and start blogging.
Get A Good Night’s Sleep
People who poorly sleep tend to fight more often with their significant others, according to a study by the University Of California at Berkeley.
Lack of or inadequate sleep makes people develop or experience negative emotions and end up reacting more strongly towards bad things. This means more people may feel more annoyed or angry at their spouses.
In addition, if couples experience negative situations, partners who suffer from sleep deprivation might react more strongly and blow things out of proportion.
Share Chores
Over 60% of couples acknowledge that sharing chores is very important when building a happy relationship. Faithfulness and a happy sexual relationship are the other factors ranked higher than sharing chores. In fact, most couples mention that sharing chores is more important than sharing political beliefs, religious beliefs and making enough money.
Take Up New Hobbies
Couples can have different hobbies, but finding common ground can make a huge difference in your relationship. Therefore, look for hobbies you can enjoy together. You may have a simple connection between your hobbies. For example, he may love hunting while you enjoy bird watching.
Also, consider going fishing on a few occasions. That way, you can watch birds while he fishes. Just make sure you have the right fishing gear. Trusted sites such as focusfishing.com provide well-researched reviews and information on fishing gears.
Exercise Together
Most workouts for women are also great for men, so exercise together. That way, you will get to spend more time together and keep fit.
A study shows that 85% of couples interviewed said that working out together improved their relationship. Over 60% also said that exercising together brought them closer to each other.
Show Interest In Each Other’s Interests
One major sign of a happy and healthy relationship is the ability of couples to respond positively to each other’s efforts for attention. That means when a spouse says “look at that incredible house,” the other partner responds positively and communicate clearly that they share the appreciation and are interested.
Unhappy couples tend to ignore each other in an effort to tell one another to stop bugging them. In fact, couples who ignore each other or don’t respond positively tend to have problems more often.
Redecorate Together
Choose a room to redecorate together. It may be a room that needs to be changed entirely or just needs a little bit of reorganization. It could also be a room that you use more often and you need to freshen up the look.
Redecorating a room together isn’t about being the greatest interior designer. It is about spending time together and working on something that your entire family will enjoy.
Get Away Together
A romantic getaway gives you the much needed time to outside your familiar spaces. So pack up your suitcase and get away on a long trip or just for the night. If you’re on a shoe-string budget, consider a one-night excursion and book a local hotel. You don’t even have to choose an expensive hotel.
Every day is a celebration moment in your family, marriage or relationship. These tips can help you find creative ways to spend time together and celebrate.