5 Ways Your Bedroom May Improve Your Sleep


In a survey about sleep, 76% of Americans reported that at least a few nights a week they slept well. Yet it seems that having the right bedroom could potentially improve the results as three quarters said that a quiet and dark room was important for a good night’s sleep and over 90% said a comfortable mattress was important. So, to gain the best possible sleep in accordance with other factors such as diet and exercise, perhaps it’s time to ensure your sleep environment possesses some specific details for the best slumber every night.


Your bed position

Feng Shui recommends that your bed should be positioned against a solid wall and not at an angle which can disrupt sleep by leaking energy. It also suggests that the bathroom, kitchen, or a window, is not directly behind the wall your bed is against. For optimal effectiveness, a door or full-length mirror should not face the bed.

Choose your colors

Soothing skin tone colors are the most effective for your bedroom according to Feng Shui. These allow a positive flow of energy for sexual healing and restorative sleep. Walls with skin tone colors also contribute to creating energy similar to that of an embrace. The energy of such colors is conducive to a good sleep because they are nourishing, warm and earthy to help us fall asleep.

Invest in a quality mattress

It’s difficult to pinpoint how often you should change your mattress as some may last longer than others, but a poor mattress can be disruptive to sleep. However, with so many mattresses to choose from it can be a daunting task. Two brands you might consider are Puffy Vs Nectar. There are slight differences in the firmness, thickness and weight and in the layers, so these are options you will need to weigh up. 

Darkness is essential

Melatonin, the naturally occurring antioxidant hormone, can be produced by sleeping in darkness. If light slips into your bedroom then this can interrupt the production of melatonin and negatively affect sleep as it can be detected through your eyelids. Melatonin is important because it can prevent diseases such as fibromyalgia, breast cancer and Alzheimer’s and it can fight sleep disorders. Fit blackout blinds or drapes which block all light and fit dimmer lights so you can turn the lights down as you prepare for sleep. Also, ensure there are no bright electrical devices in the room.

Temperature is important

When you design your room ensure you take temperature into consideration. As you sleep your body temperature will drop, so if your room is cool it may make it easier to drop off to sleep. Aim for your thermostat to be five to ten degrees lower than the average daytime temperature and adapt your heating or cooling system depending on the time of year.

When designing your bedroom it’s important to consider how you can aid better sleep. It may be by shutting out the light, placing your bed in a Feng Shui suggested position, or by researching the best mattress for you. Don’t cut corners and rush to finish your bedroom because sleep is essential to your health.