Amazing Wall Planters To Get The Most Of Your Small Balcony


A small balcony is definitely better than no balcony at all, so no need to complain if you don’t have much space over there. Because, trust us, if you know how to organize the space you can make it as comfortable as possible. You shouldn’t skip to decorate it with some plants and the best choice for such small space may be the wall planters.

Wall planters will help you save on floor space, where you can set a seating area. This type of planters can be quite versatile so you will for sure find the best ones for your balcony. You can easily add some shelves on the wall, that you can use as a plant stand. So, you have the perfect place for setting your pots. Or, you can find some hanging planters, that you can easily hang on some hook on the wall. The following ideas are just some of the best ones to get inspired from. Check them out and do not hesitate to copy these ideas.

Amazing Wall Planters For Your Balcony

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As you can notice wall planters can be quite versatile. You can even have some wooden screen on your balcony that you can use as a place for hanging some planters. Or even a pallet can do the same purpose. And if you want to make the planters more eye-catching you can choose some colorful pots that will instantly steal the show. The choice is yours, but one thing is for sure – even the smallest balcony can be decorated with some lovely planters hanged on the wall.

SEE ALSO: 15 Awesome Enclosed Balconies That Are Worth Your Time 

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So, which one from the above ideas will you try to copy? Tell us in the comments and make sure to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other great decor ideas of how to decorate a small space.