If you want to live longer, become a vegan


A healthy, quality and everlasting life is a priority to every single person that walks on this planet. But the fair question is how does one achieve that? If you have ever made a research in order to find out what is the very first thing you should do if you want to imrove the quality of your life, you probably know that you should reduce the consumption of meat. But according to a research made not long ago, the people who, however, love eating meat should do a drastical change in that case.


It is already a fact that the vegans are the healthiest people. It is because of the type of food they consume that is based on fruits and vegetables. A total of 840 people with four different type of diet were included in the survey: vegans, lacto-vegetarians, vegetarians and semi vegetarians. The people whose bodies were observed and analyzed were asked to give samples of blood and urine. On the other hand, the scientists have checked their fat, antioxidants and vitamins level in the body. The results of the research have shown that the vegans have the lowest level of bad fats as well as the highest level of antioxidants, who are of crucial importance for the vitality,health and function of the body.


Another advantage that the food brings to the vegans is tha they have a significant number of omega 3 fats higher than the rest of the people included in the survey. That’s such a surprising fact because the biggest source number one for omega 3 fats is the fish, which is something that the vegans do not consume. It seems like they tend to supply their bodies with omega 3 fats through the nuts which are one of the most important ingredients in their daily menu. The chia seeds and the flax play such an important role.


The vegetarians have shown somewhat similar results, but what’s significantly different is the result of the semi-vegetarians. The results of their blood and urine samples have shown almost the same results as of someone who eats meat on a daily basis.


The scientists who have made this research agree that if you really can not give up on meat, what you have to consider is, at least, reduce its consumption. On the other hand you should put an accent on the fruits and vegetables which are the natural supply of vitamins and minerals that are very inportant for the vitality of the body. What they additionally sugest is that the exercising should become your daily routine if you want to see faster and long lasting results. Something very important is the consumption of water, as well as avoiding stress and stressed situations.


Your body is your eternal home. Looking after it should become your priority, if it’s not yet. It’s where you are going to spend the rest of your life so you better bake sure you keep it healthy and safe and feed it with quality food as it requires.