Are You a Beginning Artist Here is What You Need to Know


Are you an aspiring artist that wants to take up arts as a professional career? If so, it’s important to understand the basics of professional art. With multiple people claiming to be artists with huge portfolios, the competition is quite fierce.

However, with the right commitment, skill and a bit of luck, you can certainly pave the way for a lucrative career for yourself.

Having the ability to draw moods into color, light, and sound is certainly not enough. You will require a lot of tenacity to get your brand out in public.

We have listed down a few essentials that you must do to become a successful artist.

  1. Concentrate on Branding

Marketing is a key difference between a successful and a barely meets their end artist. With such a crowded industry, it’s important to have a set brand image about yourself.

Don’t simply tag yourself as a painter, a photographer or an artist in general. Be more specific in your expertise so people could look at your portfolio from that perspective.

For this, you’ll have to evaluate your skills, what you are most passionate about and make a branding decision.

If you are a photographer, pin down your specialties. Are you an editorial, food, fashion or wedding photographer? You’ll choose your equipment and gear accordingly, and it would help you focus your skills to one niche.

Although it’ll target a narrower audience for you, however, it will help you generate more business for yourself. Networking is another key thing that can help you connect with potential new clients and get you better projects.

So attend conventions, promote and publicize your brand. This targeted approach will help you create brand value by increasing relevancy and opportunity.

  1. Illustrate your Concept

No matter what sort of artist you are, illustrating your point of view is imperative as it gives the customer an outline of your work. If someone hands you a piece of paper to draw out the concept of an ad campaign, you should be able to illustrate it with confidence.

Having to present your idea visually will certainly give you more credibility and an edge over other competitors.

Working on your elevator pitch is important, however, if you don’t have a visual representation to back it up, then it would be to no avail.

Hence, you should certainly work on this and get confident in doing so in any environment.

  1. Start Working as a Professional

Many artists fail as they don’t appreciate the significance of following the norms of professional work. If you are a painter, you must consider these three things: your surface, brush, and palette.

Having the airbrush kits would help you get comfortable and then you can start having fun. Don’t hesitate in spending on learning new skills and improving your style because it will pay off in the end.

Also, investing in your equipment is much better than spending money in clubs or parties. So make smart choices early in your career to bear the fruits of it later in your life.

  1. Freelance Regularly

Although a steady job with a good income is what all inspiring artists look forward toward to. However, these jobs aren’t available in abundance, and the competition is severe. So you need to prove yourself to the employer that you’re worth paying.

In this globally connected world, you shouldn’t wait around waiting for an opportunity to fall on your lap. Instead, you should work towards creating your opportunities. Freelancing can help you achieve this objective, and it will also help you create more professional contacts.

Work with start-ups and another corporate job with contracts because you never know where a lucrative opportunity may lie for you.

By sharing your work with multiple people, you would be able to be a known commodity and people would trust hiring you as well.

Lastly, there aren’t any pre-set rules to become a great and renowned artist. Everyone has a different path to follow, however, if you follow these tips the chances of your career lifting off are quite high.

Use the technology appropriately to show off your portfolio to the masses and remember, taking a step back and reevaluating your strategies is always an option if things don’t work out!