Whether you’re updating your grooming regime or choosing a new product, safety razors are sure to make your meetings in 2021 memorable. While the Merkur 34C razor’s basic design dates back to the mid-20th century, the razor is still superior to most of the new designs and technological razors available today.
It’s only in the last few years that classic shaving and Merkur 34C razors have become so popular again that we’ve become interested in growing a beard again. Of course, this means that some things see the light of day more than once. But before you give up your multi-blade membership, you should remember a few things:
Look at the way the razor usually operates. You will understand that Merkur 34C razors are still the best-known safety razor, one of the best designs ever, and have been a great safety razor to use with a variety of double edge razor blades to create the best combination based on your hair and skin type. It can be a super sharp and aggressive razor when combined with a sharp blade-like Feather, or it can be a mild beginner razor if combined with a mild blade like a Gillette Platinum.
In a multi-blade framework, the first blade does most of the pulling the hair up; the second or third blade penetrates the surface, cutting and pulling the hair out. This usually ends up in a close shave but also causes skin irritation, razor burn and may cause razor bumps. The Merkur 34C safety razor has a single blade with separate left and right cutting edges and is much more effective and easier on your skin. In addition, the cost of replacement is very low compared to a multi-blade razor, and you can afford to change your blade every shave or every other shave, which will be a huge improvement over using a multi-blade razor multiple times.
Things to look for when buying a razor
There are various types of safety razors to choose from, regardless of the material and finish of the razor. Here are a few crucial factors you must consider when buying your safety razor:
Closed Comb or Open Comb
Most safety razors have a safety bar at the bottom of the razor. This is called a comb, and a razor having a straight bar is called a closed comb. An open comb razor has a row of teeth underneath the razor blade instead of the safety bar. These teeth guide the hairs of your beard closer to the blade, leading to a more effective cut without clogging up the razor. Although there are several differences between the two designs, most experts recommend using a closed comb for daily shaving and an open comb if you have thick stubble. Closed comb razors are also much safer to use for beginners.
Pieces 1, 2, and 3
The handle of the 2-piece razor is welded to the base of the head, while the head of the 3-piece razor can be unscrewed from the handle to remove it. In both cases, the edge is inserted between the top plate and the bottom of the head and is then glued to the handle. The one-piece razor is also known as the “Butterfly,” The blade can be replaced by rotating the lower part of the handle and opening up the top of the safety razor.
Straight or Diagonal Blade
Traditional razor blades have a sharp edge at 90 degrees to the handle (e.g., a straight blade). In contrast, a slanted blade has tighter control over the position of the edge on both sides, adding strength to the handle and suitability for each pass. A straight, very sharp edge is considered more ergonomic and much easier to use. However, a slanted razor might be more effective by an experienced shaver and give a closer shave.
Handle Length
The length of the handle determines how flexible or steady the razor operates. Many people prefer shorter handles to be in control, while others prefer longer handles for ease of maneuverability. A popular short handle safety razor is Merkur 34C, and a popular long handle safety razor is Merkur 23C.
Unlike disposable razors or multi-blade razors, the best safety razors have a recognizable pulling power and provide a great feeling of control and ease. As the weight increases, the average pressure factor reaches a more reasonable level for more excellent performance and vigor with each pass.
Why Merkur 34C? How Do I Use It?
Merkur 34C is a great razor with a closed comb design and a short thick handle with a nice weight. It is a great razor for beginners and expert shavers and continues to be a benchmark for new designs to aspire to.
Using a Merkur 34C razor is not that different from using a multi-blade or disposable razor. Still, you will need to change the way you use it slightly. Unlike a fixed blade razor, you must hold the safety razor in the correct position. Many people have more than one pass: The first pass is usually recommended with the grain, followed by a pass across the grain. Some prefer to have a third pass against the grain for an extra close shave. You will determine the best shaving approach for you based on your skin and hair type.
The origins of the Merkur organization can be traced back to 1896 when Emil Hermes registered the brand in Germany. Unfortunately, the name he gave to the organization (Hermes) was already in use at the time, so he used the German name of Mercury, the Roman god of messengers. One hundred years later, Merkur, the company he has started, is still thriving and a favorite of classic shavers worldwide.
- A shaving product with “universal appeal” that fits most double edge razors.
- Excellent design and build quality.
- Excellent material quality, finish, and durability of the handle.
- Basic two-piece construction (easy to replace extra sharp parts).
- Thick handle design.
- Medium to heavyweight.
- Shorter handle compared to other razors, which can be an advantage depending on your style