Summertime problems only farmer’s will understand


Farming is an industry. You’re as likely to find a farmer coming to grips with the latest EU subsidy legislation as organising staff rotas and milking schedules. Here are ten problems only a farmer will fully understand.

  1. The financial pressure on farms is difficult to manage

If you are struggling financially or a hard pressed farmer then you are not alone. An increasing number of members of the farming community have visited the website Farming Help in order to receive advice on training, and finance, the whole year around. With so many pressures keeping you awake at night, receiving tailored advice about your insurance cover, with someone who generally understands your way of life, One Rural, can make all the difference. Additionally, finding new or used tractors may be difficult for many farmers looking to save money anywhere they can, but there are many places to find the best prices.

  1. You are always working

Improved outside lighting means that your just as likely to be sowing, harvesting or drilling at night, as well as during the day.

  1. Sorting out staffing schedules

From asparagus in early spring through to soft fruits in the summer, if your farm is reliant on these crops you’ll also have the nightmare of arranging the casual staffing schedules. The excel sheet will become your new best friend.

  1. Are my staff legal?

When you’re arranging the staff for your farm, you’ll also be responsible for checking that all their work papers are in order. Gone are the days of real casual employment. Nowadays every employee has to be registered and have the right to work in the UK.

  1. You can’t go on holiday during the summer

If you live on a farm, forget summer holidays. The most excitement you’re likely to have is the local agricultural show.

  1. Legislation really does dominate your life

Forget relaxing forms of literature. Sadly, farmer’s wife have to come to terms with the volumes of legislation produced by both the EU and the UK. This reading has to continue throughout the year, as well as in the summer.

  1. Cover up, even in summer

The summer temperature might soar to the high 20s, but you’re still going to have to persuade your children that Wellington boots are the best form of footwear. Cow dung and bare feet just aren’t a good idea, whatever the weather outside.