All About Tadoba Safari Zones and Tadoba Accommodation Nobody Ever Told You


Most people are completely unaware of how Tadoba Tiger Reserve is geographically laid out and as a result, make their bookings online or with tour operators in such a way that they never manage to really enjoy their wildlife vacation due to logistical problems.

Tadoba Zones

Tadoba Tiger Reserve has a core zone and a buffer zone. Access to both the zones is through different gates. The core zone comprises an area that is occupied only by the forest. The relocation of villages is almost complete in this zone, and hopefully, this area will be completely free for the animals to roam around. The Buffer zone is an area that is freely accessed by both animals and villagers; the ecosystem in this area is quite complex with the animals in the forest land and the villages coexisting.

Buffer Zone Provides Mutual Benefit to Animals and Villagers

The reason why animals live in the buffer area is that there is no space for them to live in the core area, not because of lack of physical space but more due to territorial issues of the animals. With animals and villagers both inhabiting the forest area in the buffer zone, there is always the potential for conflict. To reduce this chance and make the villagers benefit from the presence of the animals, opportunities have been created for them to participate in the tourism trade and earn a living. There are already a number of Tadoba National Park resorts in this zone to cater to visitors. According to the Forest Department, the only reason why the villagers will participate in wildlife and eco-conservation is that they benefit from tourism. There is also the view that with this move the villagers become natural guardians of the tigers, who will then be ready to stop any poaching byexternal agents. If you care about conserving wildlife yourself, take a look at

Encouragement of Tourism in the Buffer Zone

The Buffer zone with its dense forest cover is a veryattractive place for wild animals to live in. While there are already a number of natural freshwater sources that the animals can use to slake their thirst, the forest department is planning to create some artificial water bodies to augment the supply. While the charges for hiring the jeep and engaging the guide are the same as that in the core zone, tourists get the benefit of entry tickets that are cheaper by 40%. Another feature that tourists will really like is that as opposed to safari booking in the core zone that has to be always done online, a few tickets are available at the gates of the buffer zone for on the spot purchase.


The planned development of the Tadoba buffer zone is an excellent bio-conservation strategy. Not only does it make an extended area available for the wildlife to exist, but also makes the localsa partner in the economic prosperity ushered in by tourism. Tourists also find the buffer zone attractive as not only are the ticket rates cheaper but also the number of tiger sightings is quite high.

Author Bio: Mandy Bular is the general manager of one of the leading Tadoba National Park resorts. She has been one of the most vocal advocates for extending the benefits of ecotourism to villages to make them willing participants.