When temperatures are starting to drop, it becomes harder to leave our homes, and making it a cozy and comfortable space is a necessity. Just like preparing your car for the winter temperatures, your home need preparations as well. If you don’t know where to begin with using these 6 home essential guides to create a wonderful and warm home to escape the chilly winter.

House plants
Nature tends to disappear during winter, and it can be very tough to go without seeing some green leaves for months. Finding some easy low maintenance house plants to keep around your space can help hold you over until spring. Succulents are the best fit and easy option for those lacking a green thumb.
Antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer
Cold and flu germs run rampant in winter, and the easiest way to keep these nasties at bay is by keeping your family’s hands clean. Keep an antibacterial hand sanitizer on your office desk, and a few readily available around the home. It is also good to put antibacterial wipes in your handbag and the kid’s school bags so they can easily clean their hands properly throughout the day. These wipes are great for quickly cleaning regularly touched surfaces too! Let’s not forget about the Covid 19 virus that it’s still lurking around. Not to mention, the seasonal flu. So keep your hands clean and your body warm!

A beautiful blanket not only creates a little warmth and comfort on a cold winter night, but it can also add a gorgeous textured addition to a room. Combine gorgeous fringed cotton and matching cushions and home decor for an instantly homey feel.
A luxurious rug is another must-have during the cold winter days. It adds extra warmth and comfort during the cold season. Probably the best design element is area rugs. They add color, style and they warm up our feet. Furthermore, rugs will add a layer of insulation to the floor, trapping cool air underneath and keep it from seeping up and cooling the room.
Low Ambient Lighting
Pretty much like candles, the right lighting can make a cool atmosphere in a room. Swap out bright light bulbs for softer, warmer, and saving energy type of bulbs. Turn off the overhead lights and rely more on multiple smaller sources, like table and floor lamps, and always maximize natural light.
Hot cocoa and coffee

It is no secret that everyone loves good hot cocoa when the weather cools down, and what better way to enjoy a toasty warm treat than in a cute mug. What’s winter without a few cups of your favorite hot drink? Whether that’s getting into a Netflix marathon or preparing to brave the cold for your commute, a cup of cocoa or coffee is perfect for any type of winter activity. Put your drink in a thermos and enjoy it while going for winter walks. Also, use the thermos for lunch to go, especially on a cold day. You can use an insulated food jar for work and even send the kids with a thermos to school so they can have a hot lunch too.