Wedding Day is yours day. Almost all of us take a lot photos of wedding day. There are an usual bride and groom photography, but let’s be creative and make an unusual and unique photos of your wedding. In that occasion, today I have for you 20 creative and unique wedding photography which will get you an idea how to have fun on your wedding photo session or have a special “yours unusual” photo session. View other 50 funny wedding pictures ideas to repeat or avoid at your wedding photoshoot.
All you need to make a creative photography is to get out a child inside you. Let’s be childish although you are getting married. You will get fun and you will have unique photos of your wedding in the same time. And you will have these creative photography forever. You can include your friends in photo session too. They will surely have an interesting idea for making creative wedding photos and I am sure you will make unique photography with them. But if you are not have an idea how to make a creative wedding photos, look below the gallery I made for you and wake up a child in you. Stay yourself and have fun on your wedding!!