17 Magnificent Accent Walls For Your Living Room


One way to make your living room look less boring is to add some accent wall. Accent walls can definitely give a new look to the room and add up to its aesthetic appeal. And yes there are many designs to choose from and today we’ve picked some of the best ones. But before you see them let us give you some clue about this walls.

What is an accent wall?

You probably have idea of what is an accent wall, but let’s define it. An accent wall is a wall that has a design different from the other walls in the room.

What type of accent walls can you choose from?

So, the accent wall can have a different color from the rest of the walls in the room. Most often this can be some darker shade than the shade used for the rest of the room decor. Or it can be a totally contrasting shade, adding a pop of color in the room. Besides color, the accent wall can have different texture from the rest of the walls. It can be a brick or stone wall, or maybe even a wooden one. And of course, not to forget to mention that you can use a wall mural to create an accent wall. The possibilities are quite versatile and the following ideas are just some of them. Check them out!

Photo via: spaceandshape.com
Photo via: zillow.com
Photo via: decor-zilla.blogspot.com
Photo via: artnmeal.com
Photo via: decorpad.com
Photo via: la5day.com
Photo via: redfordhouse.blogspot.com
Photo via: zillow.com

Which wall is the best choice for an accent wall?

Well, there are no certain rules of which wall should be an accent wall. But most often, this is the wall behind the sofa, or maybe the one where the TV stands or the fireplace is set. It will all depend on how your room is organized and of course on your taste and preferences. An accent wall can make a statement on its own, but if you want to make it more eye-catching, you can hang some interesting decorations, such as artworks, portraits etc. Or you can even add some light fixtures over there.

SEE ALSO: Upholstered Walls For A Cozy And Warm Look Of Your Bedroom

Photo via: zillow.com
Photo via: zillow.com
Photo via: deavita.com
Photo via: pin-insta-decor.com
Photo via: vancouversun.com
Photo via: memorabledecor.com
Photo via: lestnic.com
Photo via: homeofficedecoration.net
accent walls
Photo via: residencestyle.com

So, which one from the above accent walls did you like the best? Tell us in the comments and also let us know what kind of accent wall will you choose for your living room. And of course, don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other interior design ideas for your home decor inspiration.