Tips To Decorate Your Bathroom With Some Planters


When it comes to decorating your home with versatile planters, we usually place them in the living room or kitchen. But how about for a change you choose to place them in the bathroom? This is of course possible, since there are many plants that will grow well in humid area.

Plants does not only serve for decorating any space, but they also help purify the air and thus improve the air quality in your home. They can be so versatile, so you need to find the right ones for your bathroom. Some of them grow well in low lighted spaces, some require lots of space, some do well in high humid areas. And once you have chosen the plants, you will need to find the right place for them in the bathroom. The countertop is perfect spot for tiny plants. And you can also set some plants in the corner, next to the bathtub, on the windowsill etc. Here are several ideas to get inspired from.

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SEE ALSO: Fantastic Tips To Decorate Your Home With Tall Indoor Plants

Best Plants For Your Bathrooms

Plants can be quite versatile so you need to find the right ones for your bathroom. Among the most popular choices we can include the bamboo plant, the spider plant, snake plants, Aloe Vera etc.

  • The Aloe Vera needs great amount of sunlight, so you can choose to place it close to the window. It doesn’t require lots of water, so the humidity in the bathroom will be enough for growing well.
  • Bamboos are great plants for decoration, which is why they are often chosen for decorating the bathroom.
  • The snake plant is a low light plant and it also requires small amount of water. It is perfect choice for filling the empty corner space in your bathroom.
  • The spider plant has long narrow leaves, it grows to about 60 cm high and it is very easy to care for.
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Choose Vertical Planters For Your Bathroom

And besides placing plants on the contertop, next to bathtub or in some corner, you can also hang some plants on the walls. Vertical planters are great choice for your bathroom if you want to save on floor space. Also, they will make the bathroom look like a spa, especially if you choose a green wall. One such wall will require great maintenance, but it’s definitely worth the effort.

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So, would you choose to add some planters in your bathroom and thus beautify it? Tell us in the comments and of course, stay up to date with the content of Top Dreamer to find many other interior design ideas for your home decor.