Even though their passion is to write and inspire the people all around the world with their work, the all time most famous writers do not have the intention to hide their passion for reading and the admiration towards their colleagues. The truth is that even they have been inspired by the masterpieces of their older colleague writers. If you analize yourself well, even you follow the steps of someone you admire a lot. Therefore there is nothing bad in following someone you consider as a master in his work. So if you have ever wondered what were the favourite books of Nabokov, Hemingway, G.R.R. Martin or Beckett, there you have the answers:
Ernest Hemingway
He used to suggest one and the same book over and over again, especially to the people he appreciates. Among his favourite books were the works of Dostojevski, Tolstoy and Emily Bronte. He points at the books like “Ana Karenina”, “Wuthering Heights”, “Madam Bovary”, “War and Peace”, “The brothers Karamazov” and “Dublineses”.

Vladimir Nabokov
The author of the famous “Lolita” has been in love with “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka and “In the shadow of young girls” by Marcel Proust. Both of these books are listed in the rich world’s classic literature.

F. Scott Fitzgerald
Even though he himself is the writer of the world’s famous “The Great Gatsby”, Fitzgerard enjoyed reading “A doll’s house” bu Henry Ibsen, the psychology roman “Red and Black” by Stendhal, Oscar Wilde’s plays and the stories of Gi de Maupassant and Mary Shelley.

Samuel Beckett
The most famous author of the absurd play “Waiting for Godot” has been a reserved and quiet person that loved discussions about books. His best suggestions were “Travel around the world in 80 days” by Jules Verne, “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger and “The Strager” by Albert Camus. He can not skip the book “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame” by Victor Hugo which he especially loved.

J. K. Rowling
She became famous for her masterpiece “Harry Potter” which is a real pearld of the modern literature. However, she too has been inspired by books like “Emma” by Jane Austen as well as the book for kids “The story of the treasure seeker” written by Edith Nesbit with which Rowling often identifies himself.

G. R. R. Martin
The author of the famous literary series “A song of ice and fire” claims that his favourite books has been “The lord of the rings”. However, in his home library one can find books by Stephen King, as well as some modern trillers such as “The disappeared” by Gillian Flynn.

This shows that even the most powerful brains that entertain the people all around the world spend time not only on writing, but reading and educating themselves as well. They claim they enjoy divin into their colleagues’ works and even find them insiping and useful. They suggest this is the only way to grow up strong, educated and wise. They say that the time spent reading is the time gained and the chances are they are even right.