Even the most budget concerned people, who think flowers are a waste of money, will agree that weddings are incomplete without them. The range of colors can splash a theme you want to convey in the classiest, subtlest way. Plus, flowers bring out the awe in awesome wedding photos.
Some of the flowers symbolize purity, health, strength, and bonding, and some are just too pretty to look at. From bouquets to centerpieces to the altar, if you are struggling to select the perfect flower that goes with your personality, let us help you.
Here’s a list of 5 wedding flowers that you should ask your wedding florist from to keep your guests talking for a very long time.
The pastel colors of hydrangea are something extraordinary. Whether you select the pink, green, blue, or white, you simply cannot go wrong. This is a conservative color that brings out a lot of character to the setting, so choose wisely.
Don’t mix and match hydrangeas with funky themes. Puritan colors and natural lighting go best with this. And the best part is, you can pair up hydrangea with any other blossoms and they will look just as natural and radiant.
They do happen to be somewhat expensive, so if you are just looking for something to specialize in the altar or the bouquet, pick it in a heartbeat.
There are over 75 different types of tulips, and you would be right to pick any one of them. Mixed bunches of colored tulips can spruce up any setting. The most common and popular colors are white, red, magenta, yellow, pink, and purple. If you like a classic affair that has a lot of heart, tulips should be your top pick.
Now, we already know every flower has a deeper meaning, a hidden secret, and tulips are no different. These vibrant beauties symbolize an all-consuming love, which is perfect for the theme of any wedding party. They are born in spring, so if you want lots of color in your spring wedding, try it out.
Ranunculus is sunshine in a bucket, and if you are looking for a really warm and romantic theme, you can try using them as the base color of your wedding, or mix in with other flowers. They come in gorgeous sunset orange, pale, apricot, elegant white, and yellow colors.
If you are planning a spring or fall wedding, they could be the perfect decoration and boutonnieres. These flowers mostly bloom from March to June, so you have a short window to capitalize on these gorgeous blooms. They are also pretty inexpensive and fit in with any décor. We can promise you, all the bouquet you have seen on TV and movies have had at least some of these blooms.
Lily of the Valley
Not only the lily of the valley has a classic country look, but it also smells sweet. This means your altar will be basking in the glow of these flowers and be filled with an amazing aroma all your guests can enjoy.
They can be somewhat expensive, around $20 to $50 each bundle. The royal wedding of Kate Middleton with Prince William saw one of these gorgeous bouquets in the hands of the stunning bride. The flowers are tiny, but gorgeous in their ivory white color. They are bell-shaped and can be put into whatever decoration your heart desires.
The bouquets can be a little delicate, and you can most definitely pair them with some bigger flowers to spruce things up. The flowers symbolize eternal happiness, innocence, and humility.
The flowers only bloom in the spring and fall, which means you will have to be planning a wedding around this time of the year to plan and place your orders. One of the magical aspects of these flowers is that the smell attracts butterflies, so your wedding could become a fairy tale of everyone’s dream without you even realizing it.
Many people get confused between peonies and roses, but these brightly colored beauties are gorgeous in their rite. They are dominant in the wedding scene for being feminine and delicate. They exude soothing aura, and so very common in bridal bouquets. The flowers are a symbol of a happy marriage and wealth to come the newlywed. You can select or mix and match from the red, yellow, and white blossoms that crop up from April to June.
The combinations you can make with peonies can be mind-blowing due to the variations of their color, which makes for subtle yet powerful décor. It is one of the longest-used flowers in human history. Besides being absolutely stunning, they are also known for their healing powers. Consider them a bit of a good luck charm to ward off sickness and unhappiness, if you will.