How Branding With Colors Works

Did you know there are companies out there that have actually copyrighted their specific brand color? Or even better yet, their particular color combinations? Companies like Master Card, BP, and Paypal have extremely...

Guide to Buying the Best Whole House Water Filter

The water you get when you turn on the shower or faucets in your home has a number of contaminants that are not good for you. Whether you get water from the...


Some folks are constantly plagued with the thought of how they are going to be able to finance and own their building? If it is a thought that has left you restless...

What is a HELOC – a guide for homeowners

As U.S. homeowners have built up a record amount of equity—almost $15 trillion, to be exact—many are exploring ways to borrow against it. One option is a home equity line of credit...

Smart Moving Checklist for Pet Owners

How deep is your bond with your pet? Most of you would fail to answer this question, for the sheer lack of being able to describe your love for them in words....

Digital Artistry: New Age Creativity

Technological evolution has had its impact felt in many fields with business being one of them. A product of this influence is the growing online presence of various startups. This is achieved...

Tips for Window Cleaning in the Spring

The most wonderful time of the year is spring. It the time when the new beauty transcends nature’s creation blossoming everywhere to give a new look. This is also the time when...

How Safe Are You When Browsing

We live in a world that is almost entirely connected. Everything we do, we use our phones, tablets, or computers for. It isn't rare to leave our personal information on various websites...