Dave Engledow, some weeks ago published his book “Confessions of the world’s best father“. Fathers you will not make a mistake if you buy it, because it will inspire you how growing you kid to make funny and significant.
Dave started his adventure with his daughter, Alice Bee accidentally! This was his first photo of them, when he was tired and only want to make some fun!

He captured his daughter until she was six mounts old and decided to make the photos significant for her when she will be an adult. She will really have fun when she will look at them some years later.

Engledow and his daughter work together at this project. They prepare the scenery before take the photos. She usually want to cooperate, but when she said to me it is enough I respect that – said Engledow in an interview for BuzzFeed.

CSI (Cookies Stealing Investigation)

Sometimes, Dave takes the photos separately of he and Alice Bee and edit them later. The editing, actually take him more time than capturing them.

Spa Day With Alice Bee!!

In that way, Dave finds a different ways to eat the little Alice. He gives her to eat creatively.

“The most important thing while you preparing a meal is to be sure you make a prefect selfie!”

Dave posted the photos on his Facebook profile and have been surprised how popular they become. Some friends asked him to have a calendar with his photos.

One Year later, become the second calendar with photos of he and Alice Bee.

Today, the result of all Dave’s fun is the amazing book, which make Alice very happy.

“She actually doesn’t understand the popularity of all this, but she was really excited when she looked the book”- Said Dave!!