Why is Seville the most beloved city in Spain


The Spanish culture has always been one of the leading ones not only in Europe, but in the whole world in general. Each year the number of tourists visiting this country constantly increases. It seems like the Spaniards are still one of the most beloved nations.


The biggest part of the Iberian Peninsula belongs to Spain. The Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Balearic Sea and the Bay of Biscay are the pearls Spain is proud of. However, this extraordinary piece of land is not famous only for its beaches, beach sides and the islands. The inner part of the country offers much more. It’s where the roots and the heart of the cultures lie.


One such place is Seville, the capital of the autonomous region of Andalusia. It is the biggest city in the south of Spain, therefore the most important. If you are looking for a perfect mixture of history, culture, religion, tradition, excellent cuisine, friendly local people, sport and so much more, grab your bag and go to Seville


The heart of the typical Spanish gypsy music and dance lies on the streets of Seville and its oldest neighborhoods. The flamenco is still the most popular show that represents the Spanish music culture. A glass of sangria and some tapas is what makes this show complete. You will find no better place than Seville for such an event.



The invasion of the nomads from the North of Africa is mostly to be seen in Andalusia. Seville, as a capital, has still a lots of Moorish elements. Especially the architecture throughout the whole city reminds of the era of the Moorish people. That’s why the overall history of Spain has a lot to do wit the 771 years of Moorish invasion. One of the most beautiful neighborhoods still is the Jewish quarter Santa Cruz that hides history like no other place in Seville.




You would love when you get lost through the narrow streets of Seville. Each street revealing some part of the history that could be seen even on the facades of the buildings. “La Giralda” and The Cathedral are the tallest old buildings in the whole city. However, on the other side of Guadalquivir you can’t miss the tallest modern building “Torre Pelli” which stands out among the rest of the buildings for being modern and having totally different style. It is worth mentioning that The Spanish Square is the most beautiful one in the whole country, showing a huge hug towards the Latin countries in South America.



The biggest Gothic cathedral in the world is located in the heart of Seville. Have you ever wondered where the tomb of Columbus is? Well, in the heart of exactly this cathedral. The Alcazar, which was the king’s residence, is one of the most visited places in the country. Did you ever hear abou “Semana Santa” which is the Holly Week? Well, it’s the most famous event in Seville. Yet another one is the April Fair. It is based on traditional music and food meant to gather the families and friends and enjoy a week together. All the girls wear gypsy flamenco dresses while the boys are dressed in elegant costumes. The tourists absolutely love it!
