Tag: facts

Interesting facts about the people born in June

The people born in June are one of the most interesting and funny people to deal with. They are believed to be big dreamers full with different ideas. Such people are unlike...

Things you should be aware of when taking a shower

Who would have said that the simple daily routines could hide some things we should be aware of?There surely exist people who take a shower even twice a day.That's all fine but...

Surprising yet true facts

There are plenty of facts that sound unusual even ridiculous, yet they are mere truth that the people find difficult to understand. The reason for that is our limited mind. Therefore we...

Some interesting facts about the world that surrounds us

If you thought you know everything, wait a second and let us prove you wrong. There are some less known facts about the world all around us that you didn't even thought...

Less known facts about Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is "the father of the electricity", innovator, scientist, an impeccable brain without whom existence the world nowadays would not be the same. He was born on 10th of July 1856...

Vaping: The Myths VS The Facts

As the vaping industry continues to expand and reach a larger demographic, there are more and more members of society coming forward to voice their concerns around the health risks that vaping...